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USA: Toward a 21st-Century "New Deal" for Public Transport
As the USA faces massive economic crisis, leading mainstream economists as well as many public transport advocates are strongly recommending various alternatives for economic stimulus and stabilization.
Calls have become more urgent for a major public works initiative – in effect, a 21st-century version of the 1930s-era "New Deal" – with particular emphasis on addressing America's dire infrastructure crisis involving bridges, urban utilities, railways, public transit, transportation electrification, and other aspects of critical infrastructure.
Proponents of such a program argue it can bring jobs and economic uplift – as well as providing crucial alternatives to petroleum dependency – but it must include public transportation investment at its core.
The following is a listing of recent articles on the Light Rail Now! website that address some of the most critical issues involved.
- USA: Facing budget crunches, transit agencies wrestle with service cuts, fare hikes
- As US economy stalls, public transit sputters
- America's economic slump drags down public transit ridership
- France programs massive investment of as much as €21 billion (US $29 billion) for urban electric rail transit development
- USA: Reeling from world economic crash, 90% of public transit systems raise fares or cut service
- Dallas: First segment of new light rail Green Line nearing finish
- USA: Fix FTA's New Starts program, transit industry pros tell Senate
- USA: FTA planning to revamp New Starts/Small Starts rating criteria
- Tipping the Playing Field: How America's Federal Funding Policy Heavily Favors Roads Over Transit
- US streetcar development gets another boost from Blumenauer
- US Mass Transport Wins Big Funding Increase in Stimulus Bill
- USA: PBS news report focuses on mass transit success vs. crisis
- Mass Transport Wins Big Funding Increase in Stimulus Bill
- US Transit Ridership Surges, But Crisis Deepens, and Clamor Grows for "New Deal" Economic Investment in Public Transport
- China leads the way? Rail public transport investment at heart of massive economic stimulus initiative
- USA: Public transport investment pushed as key element of economic stimulus program
- USA Election: John McCain's persistent record of saying No to transit and rail passenger investment
- USA Election: Joe Biden, longtime rail passenger champion, seeks vice-presidency on Obama-Biden ticket
- USA Election: Barack Obama may get boost from strong pro-transit, pro-rail record
- As Washington Meanders Toward "Regime Change"...Here's Our Wish List for Rational US Public Transport Policies
- US Federal Railroad Administration takes aim ... at light rail
- State of Texas to Austin transit: Get lost
- Bush DOT's privatization & motorization scheme = "Been There, Done That"
- With Rail Leading, America's Transit Ridership Soars – But After Years of Underfunding, Agencies Plunge Into Crisis
- John McCain's long hostility to rail public transport may now be liability
- Nearly 3/4 of Surface Transport Terror Attacks Involve Personal Motor Vehicles – So US Security Officials Focus on ... Trains?
- USA: Federal Panel's Call for Motor Fuel Tax Hike to Fund Infrastructure Upgrade Stirs Transport Policy Debate
- USA's Bush administration proposes to raid transit funds for highways
- Stop FTA's Plan to Raid Federal Transit Funding for Roads!