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Produced by the Light Rail Now! Publication Team This news feature provides an ongoing Weblog of particularly significant developments in public transportation and rail transit. 28 June 2010
San Antonio: San Antonio — Plans for a light rail transit (LRT) streetcar-type system took a lurch forward on Feb. 9th when Bexar County commissioners (the governing body for the county) "unanimously approved a plan to build a 2.2-mi. (3.5 km) streetcar starter line along North St. Mary's Street", according to a report from Rail Transit Online (RTO, February 2010) posted on the APTA Streetcar and Heritage Trolley website. The initial north-south line, with a projected capital investment cost of approximately $90 million, would be routed on Broadway and South Alamo Street from Josephine Street to South St. Mary's Street. As the RTO report further indicates, project funding would involve $25 million hoped for from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), another $20 million from VIA Metropolitan Transit (the regional transit agency), $17 million each from the city and the county, and $10 million from the private sector. "Engineering and design would require two years followed by another 24 months of construction." If funding is secured, the starter line could possibly be opened in 2014. VIA's board of trustees has actually approved two proposed streetcar routes, "along with authorization allowing staff to apply for a $25-million federal grant under a newly-enacted FTA policy encouraging rail circulator systems" according to the news report, which goes on to note that "The full system would include an eight-mile (12.9 km) east-west line and a 10-mi. (16.1 km) north-south route." The second line "would run east-west along East Nueva Street between the AT&T Center and Our Lady of the Lake University, serving the downtown area." "This is a game-changer for our community" declared VIA board Chairman Henry Munoz. "The time is now for mass transit." Light Rail Now! NewsLog URL: http://www.lightrailnow.org/news/n_newslog2010q2.htm#SA_20100628 Updated 2010/06/28 1 June 2010 Las Vegas Monorail files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Las Vegas — Troubles continue to mount for the Las Vegas Monorail – the city's privately owned 3.9-mile elevated tourist line connecting several casinos and the Las Vegas Convention Center in the famous Strip district. On January 13th, the line's private operator, Las Vegas Monorail Company (LVMC), filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, with officials laying blame on the current economic crash, leading to a drop in ridership as fewer people have been visiting the tourist-oriented city. "The current economic downturn, including a 30 percent decline in convention traffic to Las Vegas, has increased the financial strain on the Monorail, like it has with every other tourism-dependent Las Vegas company" said President and Chief Executive Curtis Myles, quoted by the Las Vegas Sun (Jan. 13th). However, Myles assured the public that the line would continue to operate. According to an article in the Las Vegas Review-Journal (Jan. 15th),
LVMC CEO Myles told the Sun that the monorail had carried 40 million riders (rider-trips) since opening. However, that would still average less than 8 million a year – about 40% of the original projection. In its documents filed in federal Bankruptcy Court, LVMC indicated debts of $500 million or more owed to hundreds of creditors, according to the Sun article. While the paper notes that "The monorail has suffered from a poor local image", it nevertheless acknowledges that there have been "frequent calls to expand its service to McCarran International Airport." CEO Myles affirmed that "We have long expressed the importance of expanding our system to the airport and other points within the resort corridor", but added, "It is necessary that the company first get through this process to address its current capital structure before moving forward with those plans." However, there remain daunting financial obstacles to any such expansion of the system, says the Sun, pointing out that the LVMC hasn't even paid off its original investment loans. Citing an LVMC board member, the paper notes that "The company hasn't raised enough money from fares to pay off the $650 million in construction and startup loans floated to build and start operating the expanded system...." In an brief analysis of the latest monorail developments, LRN Project senior technical consultant Edson L. Tennyson concludes that
The Las Vegas Monorail, like several other recent monorail proposals and projects, was portrayed as a much more feasible and desirable alternative to light rail transit (LRT) by a segment of that loose grouping of rail transit opponents sometimes wryly characterized (by LRT supporters) as the "Anything But Light Rail (ABLR)" amalgam. Among that sub-group, the Las Vegas Monorail was expected to become a model of the supremacy of monorail technology, both technologically and financially. However, the monorail's major technical problems quickly dispelled the notion of technological superiority. And, over the past several years, the monorail's purported financial performance advantages have been steadily discredited by its deteriorating financial condition. Now the monorail's bankruptcy tends to corroborate assessments of monorail feasibility expressed in previous LRN reports. For example, discussing a spate of problems with the Seattle monorail projects (which led to its eventual demise), our article Seattle: Monorail project's financial uncertainty sets off alarms cautioned that
And, in a 2005 article on earlier financial problems, Las Vegas Monorail extension plans in doubt after FTA nixes funding, LRN warned:
Despite bankruptcy and its other troubles, it's conceivable that the Las Vegas Monorail will be able to remain in operation, and perhaps even eventually claw its way back to some degree of financial stability. But there is nothing in its experience to suggest it's a worthy model for other American cities, and, in our view, certainly not a superior alternative to surface light rail transit and regional passenger rail systems. On the contrary, the Las Vegas experience strongly corroborates our consistent contention that monorail technology is an expensive, technologically inferior, and far less flexible "fixed-guideway" transit mode compared with standard rail systems – especially surface LRT – and that urban transit planners would be well cautioned to scrutinize any proposed monorail alternative on the basis of real-world experience (e.g., operating monorails in Las Vegas and Jacksonville, and Seattle's Monorail Project devacle), rather than the fantasies and promises of monorail promoters. Light Rail Now! NewsLog URL: http://www.lightrailnow.org/news/n_newslog2010q2.htm#LV_20100601 Updated 2010/06/01 19 May 2010
USA: As St. Louis County voters prepared go to the polls in April to decide whether to approve a sales tax increase to fund the region's Metro light rail transit and bus system, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch focused on the issue of the nationwide budgetary crises engulfing virtually all of America's major public transit systems. On April 4th, the paper provided a rundown of several other major US transit agencies facing financial difficulties, and how they're coping, in an article titled "Budget crunches: Making ends meet", which noted that "Transit agencies across the country have taken steps to shore up their operating budgets." Examples included:
In this regard, it's worthwhile to reiterate what we said in an earlier article on the budgetary crises engulfing the US urban transit industry, America's economic slump drags down public transit ridership:
It's well to keep this perspective in mind as one evaluates the individual cases cited by the Post-Dispatch, that seem to corroborate it. Light Rail Now! NewsLog URL: http://www.lightrailnow.org/news/n_newslog2010q2.htm#USA_20100519 Updated 2010/05/19 2 May 2010
Cincinnati: Cincinnati, Ohio — The city's streetcar plan was given an implicit green light by voters just this past November (2009). (See Cincinnati: Streetcar plan, and future of all rail, to be decided in November 3rd vote and Cincinnati: Rail Transit Wins at Last!) But, as we routinely caution public transport advocates, any big transit dream remains in the "soap bubble" stage unless and until it receives an infusion of that essential stuff called money to make it actually happen. Well, within the past couple of months, Cincinnati's streetcar project has received two good jolts of exactly that critical resource, in the form of initial funding commitments from both the State of Ohio and the Cincinnati City Council. On March 19th, Cincinnati's streetcar project "was selected by the State of Ohio's Transportation Review Advisory Council (TRAC) to receive $15 million in funding to advance the project", according to a report by CincyStreetcar Blog (19 March 2010).
A month later, on April 19th, the Cincinnati City Council voted to allocate $2.58 million to the proposed streetcar project – "the largest city contribution to the effort so far" according to a story in the Cincinnati Enquirer (19 April 2010), which explained that these funds would be allocated to "planning, design and other expenses." Councilmembers were sharply split along a political divide over the rail transit issue, with Chris Monzel and Leslie Ghiz, "the two Republicans who are also running for Hamilton County Commission", voting against the allocation. However, their fellow Republican Charlie Winburn abstained, explaining he was on a "listening tour" to learn more about public attitudes on the streetcar, as the Enquirer related his position. "Right now it's time to put up or shut up" declared Laure Quinlivan, one of the council's six streetcar supporters. The Enquirer's report further illuminates the gaping political chasm between liberal and moderate supporters and far-right opponents of the rail project:
With planning and design funded, the City is moving to finance the heavier investment costs of the streetcar project. As the Enquirer explained,
In a major step toward such funding, City Manager Milton Dohoney introduced three ordinances that would authorize a total of $64 million in bonds – "roughly half the $128 million needed for the first phase, from downtown to Uptown", according to the newspaper account. Light Rail Now! NewsLog URL: http://www.lightrailnow.org/news/n_newslog2010q2.htm#CIN_20100502 Updated 2010/05/02 25 April 2010
Oklahoma City: Oklahoma City — Details on the plans emerging for a modern light rail transit (LRT) streetcar starter line for this city's downtown were reported in an article in The Oklahoman on 8 December 2009. The streetcar system, plus a public transit "hub" (intermodal interchange center) constitute a "mass transit initiatives" package totaling $130 million out of the $777 million approved for the city's MAPS 3 urban improvement package. (See Oklahoma City: Streetcar plan gains support and Oklahoma City voters approve funding for light rail streetcar.) As The Oklahoman reported,
In the meantime, controversy has arisen over the timing of downtown street projects (in what is known as Project 180) and the installation of the streetcar starter line (a component of the MAPS 3 package of projects), as reported in a 9 Feb. 2010 article in The Oklahoman. As the paper explains,
The article quoted perfectly rational comments from downtown architect Anthony McDermid, "who brought up the issue at a recent strategic planning session with merchants, planners and property owners." "In a perfect world you want to integrate the streetscapes with the streetcars" McDermid observed. "It seems that would at least be the preferred sequence." "In a perfect world you want to integrate the streetscapes with the streetcars" McDermid observed. "It seems that would at least be the preferred sequence." In a rational world, perhaps – but apparently not in a modern urban environment with conflicting political agendas and bureaucratically determined timetables anchored in concrete. Assistant City Manager Cathy O'Connor and Assistant Public Works Director Laura Story seemed to acknowledge McDermid's point, but insisted the two separate projects are independent of each other and "will remain on two very different timetables", according to the article. Assistant City Manager Cathy O'Connor and Assistant Public Works Director Laura Story seemed to acknowledge McDermid's point, but insisted the two separate projects are independent of each other and "will remain on two very different timetables", according to the article. It seems that Project 180 (the one that will overhaul downtown streets well before the streetcar project) involves a commitment to Devon Energy, including the creation of a new tax increment finance district "funded by future property taxes from the company's new tower." "We do have this agreement to do streets around Devon's development by the time their building is done – and those could not have waited" O'Connor told the newspaper. "Pending city council approval and timely utility relocation, Story expects the first wave of Project 180 construction to start in May with crews tearing up Robinson, Park, Walker and Reno Avenues" related the article. In contrast, the streetcar project, despite enthusiastic voter endorsement, is proceeding on a much slower track. For example, noted The Oklahoman, "no schedule is set for MAPS 3 and won't be until a citizens oversight board is created by the mayor that can investigate the timing of the project." Also, the streetcar isn't the first MAPS 3 project in line – it's further down the queue, and besides, it depends on the location of other pieces, such as a new convention center.
Fortunately, there appears to be a morsel of rationality at the planning level: "Story said city engineers are doing all they can to design the Project 180 improvements in such a way that there will be minimal disruption for the streetcar work." Nevertheless, these lofty and arcane bureaucratic intracies are unfortunately well beyond the grasp of most of us common folk, who still question why the same streets must be ripped up twice for major projects within a few years of each other. As the paper recounts, "With all this in play, some downtown workers like courier Travis Smith still wonder why Project 180 can't be delayed until work starts on the streetcar system." Light Rail Now! NewsLog URL: http://www.lightrailnow.org/news/n_newslog2010q2.htm#OKC_20100425 Updated 2010/04/25 12 April 2010
St. Louis: St. Louis, Missouri — It's been an arduous struggle, lasting well over a decade, but at long, long last, public transport advocates have won a huge victory to secure stable, viable funding for Metro, the region's primary public transportation agency. On 6 April 2010, voters in St. Louis County approved Proposition A ("Prop A"), authorizing a half-cent increase in a sales tax that supports Metro's regional transit system. The measure was approved by well over 60% of votes cast. Metro representatives had indicated that the half-cent sales tax would bring in approximately $75 million to $80 million from the county. In addition, voter approval also triggers a provision in a measure previously passed in 1997 authorizing a similar tax in the city of St. Louis, generating an additional $8 million. [West End Word, 31 March 2010] Particularly amazing is the fact that voters approved this regional tax increase for public transit in the midst of the painful economic hardship of the most severe economic crash since the Great Depression of the 1930s. As a March 19th article in the suburban Webster-Kirkwood Times recounted,
The recent voter approval gives a green light to the region's 30-year mobility plan, called "Moving Transit Forward" – described in a Feb. 24th article by the St. Louis Globe-Democrat as "a cooperative effort between East-West Gateway, the region's planning agency, and Metro, the region's major public transportation provider" which "sets out priorities for Metro in managing the region's transportation system."
During the campaign, as a March 31st article in the West End Word reported, that Prop A had
According to the Webster-Kirkwood Times article, Citizens For Modern Transit, a nonprofit group that promotes rail transit, raised $400,000 to fund TV commercials and other advertising, with a simple slogan: "Transit: Some of us use it. All of us need it." Light Rail Now! NewsLog URL: http://www.lightrailnow.org/news/n_newslog2010q2.htm#STL_20100412 Updated 2010/04/12 8 April 2010
USA: Over at least the past three decades, the Texas Association for Public Transportation (sponsor of the Light Rail Now Project) has been a leading critic of the fallacies and other weaknesses inherent in the federal "cost-effectiveness index" and associated methodology for evaluating whether local rail transit projects qualify for federal funding. As we noted in our article USA: Fix FTA's New Starts program, transit industry pros tell Senate
Some of those bottlenecks and other weaknesses may be diminished in new policy initiatives undertaken by the US Department of Transportation's Federal Transit Administration (FTA). In what a January 13th FTA media release called "a dramatic change from existing policy", US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood proposed "that new funding guidelines for major transit projects be based on livability issues such as economic development opportunities and environmental benefits, in addition to cost and time saved, which are currently the primary criteria." In its report on the policy change, the New York Times (Jan. 14th) noted that "Transit advocates have long complained that such cost-effectiveness tests have kept many projects from being built – especially light-rail projects...." In addition, those stripped-sown criteria in turn "...made it much harder for transit projects to win federal financing than highway projects." The problem with the Bush-era policy, claimed the reporter, was that "streetcars are not fast", and thus couldn't meet the new benchmarks which emphasized time savings. But that explanation, unfortunately, garbled and misrepresented several distinct issues. For one thing, streetcars are just one of the forms of light rail transit (LRT); the more prevalent form is what might be called "rapid light rail" – interurban or semi-metro-types of LRT that typically operate in exclusive alignments at top speeds up to 55-65 mph (about 90-105 km/hr). The problems has been that these types of LRT projects have been disadvantaged mainly because of the FTA's quirky investment cost evaluation rules – not because of travel speed or "commute-time" issues. And, as a public transport mode, streetcars are not inherently that slow. The issue here is that, so far, they've been deployed primarily in circulator functions in densely occupied, high-traffic urban core areas where speeds are indeed comparatively slow. However, streetcars typically have potential top speed capabilities of as much as 40-45 mph (about 65-70 km/hr), and some applications currently in planning or design may take advantage of this potentially higher running speed. (See Streetcar Systems & Rapid Streetcar: Concept, Systems, and Development.) In any case, according to the Times,
As the Times further notes,
In a January 13th summary in Streetsblog, Elana Schor explained that the policy change
Schor's article quotes the assessments of several influential US political leaders involved in transportation policy matters. Rep. Earl Blumenauer (an Oregon Democrat) – a strong rail and public transport advocate and the key force behind the original Small Starts program – warmly applauded the policy move, declaring:
Schor noted that House Transportation Committee chairman Jim Oberstar (Minnesota Democrat) and his "top lieutenant", Rep. Pete DeFazio (also an Oregon Democrat), "quickly issued a statement hailing the reversal of the Bush-era mandate, which is blamed for slowing down transit expansions in several major cities." While applauding DOT's policy move, Oberstar emphasized that more work lay ahead, declaring, "Now we need increased investment dollars to follow this reform, so that we can move forward with transit projects that relieve congestion, reduce emissions, increase our energy independence, and promote more livable communities across the country." "We must all continue to work together toward a long-term authorization bill that makes transit options available to more people" Oberstar added. However, any "long-term authorization bill" to expand public transit and provide "increased investment dollars" to follow through on DOT's implicit encouragement of rail projects would certainly require Senate cooperation; and, in the emerging "government spending is evil" mentality overtaking Washington, any such cooperation for public transit investment seems an increasingly difficult proposition. Light Rail Now! NewsLog URL: http://www.lightrailnow.org/news/n_newslog2010q2.htm#USA_20100408 Updated 2010/04/08 Light Rail Now! website | |||||