information and links to upcoming events – local, regional, or national.
if you have an event that relates to Light Rail, please Email us the details.

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15-16 January 2009 Dallas, Texas.
Texas Rail Advocates' 2nd annual conference on the South Central High
Speed Rail Corridor will focus on the theme Fast Tracking Texas Trains.
The South Central Corridor is an integral link in an international trade and transportation route connecting Mexico, the United States and Canada.
Location: Sheraton Dallas Hotel.
Program Information: Contact Taylor Sharpe at .
or phone 214.522-5525.
For more information, including registration:
19-22 April 2009 Los Angeles, California.
"Renewal and Growth" is the theme of this conference, which will focus on meeting the demands of rapidly growing light rail systems as well as the needs of older systems in renewal.
"Original systems are now reaching an age of maturity and are now requiring attention to infrastructure renewal and upgrading.
It is appropriate that the theme for the 2009 Joint Light Rail Conference is Renewal and Growth capturing the state of our light rail industry.
Light rail and specifically the streetcar have reappeared as tools to aid downtown circulation and spur urban
development, and the 2009 conference will address industry needs in their renewal and growth."
Jointly sponsored by the Transportation Research Board and the American Public Transportation Association, and the Union Internationale Des Transports Publics, this conference will provide a forum for policy makers, administrators, operators, planners,
engineers, economists, researchers, and community activists to present and exchange technical information on the planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance, and administration of light rail transit systems.
Location: To be determined...
For more information, contact Martin Schroeder (APTA) at or Pete Shaw, (TRB) at
For information online:
10-13 June 2009 – Denver, Co. CNU "strives to create buildings, neighborhoods, and regions that provide a high quality of life for all residents,
while protecting the environment."
"Since hosting CNU VI in 1998, the Denver region has seen numerous new urbanist developments shaped by the CNU charter.
CNU 17 will provide opportunities to experience how these new urbanist places live: the people, the spaces, and the buildings.
We are looking for ideas that will challenge attendees to evaluate how the CNU Charter has shaped
better neighborhoods and communities and created Convenient Remedies to urban sprawl."
14-18 June 2009 – Chicago, Illinois.
Forums, panels and workshops address technical sessions relevant to the operation, management and maintenance of rail and fixed guideway systems.
Location: To be announced.
Program information: Contact Lynne Morsen, or phone (202) 496-4853.
Registration information: Contact Jemima Mawenya, or phone (202) 496-4874.
For a full listing of forthcoming conferences with sponsorship by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), see:
Got a meeting, conference, or other rail transit event to include on this page? Please let us know at