This page seeks to list or refer our readers to all the various LRT systems currently in operation.
if you know of an LRT system not listed here, or not adequately referenced by the links provided, please contact us with the relevant information.
The Light Rail Now Project can be contacted at:
Light Rail Now!
Rail Transit Systems in Operation
(Note: Links to information and data for individual systems are indexed below: USA ... Canada ... Mexico ... Worldwide.)
The Public Transport Industry Issues section has been moved to a separate page.
Electric Light Rail Transit (LRT) (Interurban & Streetcar)
Modern & Heritage Urban & Interurban Transit Systems
(See below for novelty heritage trolley systems)
Baltimore (rapid LRT)
Boston (legacy surface electric railway upgraded to modern LRT)
Buffalo (modern semi-metro LRT)
Charlotte (modern interurban LRT, heritage streetcar)
Cleveland (legacy surface electric railway upgraded to modern LRT)
Dallas (modern interurban LRT, heritage streetcar)
Denver (rapid interurban LRT)
Houston (rapid LRT)
Hudson-Bergen (rapid interurban LRT)
Kenosha (heritage streetcar)
Little Rock (heritage streetcar)
Los Angeles (rapid interurban LRT)
Memphis (currently heritage streetcar; modern LRT planned)
Minneapolis (interurban LRT in operation, streetcar proposed)
Newark (legacy surface electric railway upgraded to rapid LRT)
New Orleans (heritage streetcar)
Philadelphia (legacy surface electric railway upgraded to modern LRT, heritage streetcar)
Phoenix (rapid LRT)
Pittsburgh (legacy surface electric railway upgraded to rapid LRT)
Portland (rapid interurban LRT)
Sacramento (rapid interurban LRT in operation, heritage streetcar proposed)
St. Louis (rapid interurban LRT in operation, heritage streetcar proposed)
Salt Lake City (rapid interurban LRT in operation, heritage streetcar proposed)
San Diego (rapid interurban LRT in operation, heritage streetcar proposed)
San Francisco (legacy surface electric railway upgraded to rapid LRT, heritage streetcar)
San Jose (modern interurban LRT, heritage streetcar)
San Pedro (heritage streetcar)
Seattle (modern streetcar, modern semi-metro LRT)
Tacoma (modern LRT streetcar)
Tampa (currently heritage streetcar; modern LRT planned)
Internally Powered Light Railway
Austin (diesel mutliple-unit light railway)
Camden-Trenton (diesel mutliple-unit light railway)
Galveston (fuel-motor-powered heritage streetcar)
Oceanside-Escondido (diesel mutliple-unit light railway)
Savannah (heritage streetcar powered by fuel motor and supercapacitors)
Novelty Heritage Trolley Systems
Colorado Springs
Ft. Collins
Ft. Smith
Internally Powered Light Railway