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Where will it run?

Because Capital Metro is seeking federal funding for the light rail system, is not able to release exact alignments until preliminary engineering studies are out early next year.

However, general alignments have been studied for years, and the most probable alignements were decided upon at the September 25 Capital Metro Board meeting.

An $919 million initial 20-mile starter line will be extended to 52 total planned miles in future years. Cap Metro is seeking federal funds for half of the starter line cost.


Map of possible alignments.
Click for larger view.

Starter System (For a good detailed map of options, see Austin 360's version For a more detailed map of alignments, see Cap Metro)

Section 1, 2 and 3 (Railroad right-of-way)
Trains operate on existing railroad right-of-way from Howard Lane to MoPac and on to Airport at Lamar.

Sections 4 and 5
Down Lamar Boulevard to 30th Street

Section 6
South past the University of Texas with the following options:

· Guadalupe only
· Split tracks, one way on Guadalupe, the other way on San Antonio/Nueces
· Nueces to 24th, then San Antonio and Guadalupe split tracks
· San Jacinto through the UT Campus

South to Cesar Chavez Street downtown with the following options:
· Guadalupe/Lavaca
· Lavaca alone
· Guadalupe alone
· Guadalupe/Lavaca, and 11th Street to Congress
· Guadalupe/Lavaca, and 11th Street to Colorado
· Guadalupe, Lavaca, San Jacinto and Colorado
· San Jacinto Boulevard

Across the River on:
· First Street Bridge
· Congress Ave. Bridge
· A new bridge

Section 7
South to Ben White on South Congress

Expanded System will include:

· Spur to east Austin along 5th Street corridor and Pleasant Valley, and north to Martin Luther King Blvd.
· Spur to Highland Mall
· Service to redevelopment at the former Mueller Airport



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