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Vote Yes Nov. 7

The issues

On a coming future Tuesday in November, in an even-numbered year, Austin Area voters will head to the polls to decide on whether Capital Metro should build a light rail system.


Last chance for Light Rail?

What if light rail loses?

Voter Registration

The Ballot Language

Who can vote?

Early voting

Computer Simulation of a light rail car passing the University of Texas on Guadalupe Street. (Click for large view. Source: Cap Metro)

Portland LRVs fit in with the streetscape

The issues

· Capital Metro seeks voter approval for a $919 million light rail system. For information on the system, see Facts and Features.

· The system will be funded by existing sales tax revenue and possibly federal funds. No additional taxes or fees are required.

· The System has many potential routes, but the general alignement will run from as far north as McNeil Lane through Central Austin to South Austin at Ben White. A spur would also serve East Austin from the Central Business District to Pleasant Valley. Additionally, system buildouts could include routes serving the new Mueller redevelopment and the new airport.


Map of possible alignments.
Click for larger view.

· Although Austinites approved of a rail system while forming Capital Metro in 1985 and allocating one-cent sales tax to its operation, a 1989 vote by Cap Metro's Board of Directors directed that the authority would hold an election on light rail before building a system. In 1997, after attempts by others to acquire potions of Cap Metro's funding, the Legislature mandated that the authority hold an election by November of 2000. For a summation of pro and con arguments, you may also want to check out www.getheard.org.


Last Chance for Light Rail?
Since the Legislature has mandated that Cap Metro hold an election by November, this will be the final chance we get to benefit from light rail without further legislative action.

What if Light Rail Loses?
it's widely known that several different entities and interest would like to take a portion (up to half a cent) of Cap Metro's one. ROAD, an active opponent of light rail, calls for using the money for further highway construction, particularly lane expansion projects on major highways. Capital Metro currently uses about 55 percent of its budget for bus operations and has committed $90 or more to road and HOV lane improvements, so any cuts to its tax base would also severely affect its operations and commitment to regional transportation plans.

Voter Registration
Remember, you must register 30 days before the election to vote. For more information on registering, see the Travis County Voter Registration site or Williamson County Voter Registration site.

Ballot Language
"The operation of a fixed rail system by Capital Metro: For or Against"

Who can vote?
Residents of Austin, Leander, Jonestown, Manor, San Leanna, Lago Vista, and portions of Travis and Williamson Counties, should operate a rail system. If you have questions on whether you are in the Capital Metro service area, please call Cap Metro at 389-7400.

Early Voting
Early voting begins Oct. 21. For more information on locations or your registration status, see www.taxnetusa.com/travisvoter/. Another good voting and issues resource is the nonprofit site: www.getheard.org.




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