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Vote Yes Nov. 7

CapMetro's Commitments to Neighborhoods
Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Board Of Directors

Still Undecided?
Consider the following before you cast your vote. 
WHEREAS, Capital Metro will respect the prevailing residential and business character of neighborhoods, as expressed in an adopted neighborhood plan; and

WHEREAS, Capital Metro recognizes that neighborhoods adjacent to light rail development will be expedited by the City of Austin in their neighborhood planning; and

WHEREAS, Capital Metro does not have zoning authority and is committed to honoring land use, zoning and station area planning (design, location decisions, etc.) in accordance with adopted neighborhood plans; and

WHEREAS, Neighborhood Plans will provide significant guidance to light rail planning, corridor planning and other transportation planning; and

WHEREAS, Capital Metro is committed to ensuring that light rail station design is pedestrian-oriented, neighborhood friendly and that the corridors promote the vitality of businesses; and

WHEREAS, Station area plans should build upon and be in accordance with adopted neighborhood plans, design guidelines, and service guidelines; and

WHEREAS, Capital Metro wishes to ensure each light rail station is a celebration of the identity of the neighborhood it serves; and

WHEREAS, Capital Metro will create urban design guidelines together with community input and the City of Austin to be used for light rail station design; and

WHEREAS, Capital Metro recognizes the importance of livable and affordable neighborhoods and commits to working with member cities to create a mechanism to minimize disproportionate financial impacts from light rail development on residents; and

WHEREAS, Capital Metro commits to serve in an advisory capacity as part of the Neighborhood Planning Teams.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority Board of Directors:

  • Capital Metro shall work with its member cities to prevent presumptive zoning;
  • Capital Metro shall plan the proposed system stations in conjunction with the cities, the neighborhoods, local businesses and developers;
  • Capital Metro will research and find the Best Practices in Neighborhood Transportation Planning programs in the industry and the country and shall meet or exceed those practices in the development of the proposed system.
  • Capital Metro will research and find the Best Practices in Neighborhood Mitigation/ Enhancement programs in the industry and the country and shall meet or exceed those practices in the development of the proposed system.




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