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The News...

Chronicle, Statesman, Journal endorse Light Rail

Former Cap Metro Board members unite to support rail

Cap Metro pledges to help businesses, neighborhoods


Old (But Good) News...

Dallas mayor says Austin needs Light Rail

Chamber task force recommends light rail and road mix

Photo Shoot draws 100, media coverage

See the Street Event Photos

DART gets go ahead for expansions


Chronicle, Statesman, Journal endorse Light Rail
Three of the city's major newspapers have endorsed light rail as a beneficial means to improve our quality of life in Austin.

Read the Austin Chronicle endorsement

Read the Austin American-Statesman endorsement

Read the Austin Business Journal endorsement


Board members support light rail
Past and present Capital Metro Board members are supporting light rail for Austin and signed a giant endorsement of the project at a press conference on Oct. 15.

The former members include:Lyndon Henry ('89-'93), Bobbie Barker ('95-'96), Audley Blackburn ('94-'96), Scott Polikov (94-'96), Susan Handy ('96-'97), and Harry Jones ('94-'97).

Together, these board members have volunteered thousands of hours, dating all the way back to 1989, working to improve public transportation in Austin. Board members chose Town Lake, with the Austin skyline as a backdrop, to sign their endorsement letter because they believe light rail is critical to preserving our city's unique quality of life.

Current Capital Metro Chairman Lee Walker also explained the importance of this unique reunion of leaders before asking them to sign the giant endorsement letter.


Capital Metro pledges to help businesses, neighborhoods.
The Capital Metro Board of Directors on Sept. 18 approved a dozen "Mitigation and Enhancement Pledges" designed to minimize the impact of light rail construction and involve businesses and neighbors in the building process.

The pledges include:

· Business Advisory Teams made up of business owners, neighborhood representatives, officials from the city and Cap Metro, contractors, and other interested parties. The teams will help plan construction efforts to minimize disruption to businesses and residents.

· "Main Street" Programs to enhance neighborhood commercial streets

· Efforts to maintain access to businesses and strict incentives and penalties for contractors that are designed to keep projects on time. Also, schedules that do not conflict with special shopping "seasons."

· Free marketing of affected businesses in Cap Metro buses and publications.

· Strict adherence to noise criteria for transit and construction and an emphasis on retention of parking. Also, comprehensive traffic planning to allow for smooth vehicular traffic during construction.

· Retention of traffic capacity (with the possible exception of special projects for the Drag on Guadalupe) that would ensure the same number of cars could travel the corridor after light rail construction


Dallas Mayor says Austin needs Light Rail
At an August 23 luncheon talk to the Real Estate Council of Austin, Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk summed up his feelings on Light Rail. "I can tell you that it will be a colossal mistake not to go forward on this (Light Rail in Austin)," he said. "You are not going to be a dominant player in the new economy if you are not going to have a multi-modal system."


Chamber task force recommends light rail and road mix
The Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce Thursday released a "White Paper" from its Light Rail Task Force that outlines its support for rail, along with a balanced transportation system. The report is online at the chamber site. The Chamber Board then voted to support light rail with a request of additional funding from Capital Metro for the road/HOV lane mix.


Photo Shoot draws a big crowd
About 100 people showed up for Light Rail Now!'s kickoff event on Saturday, Aug. 12. Volunteers awoke early Saturday morning for the special photos shoot--a dramatic demonstration of how effective light rail is for carrying people and using minimal space.

For the event, LRN had 80 cars spanning four lanes, each car with a lone driver. Those same drivers then "shed their cars" and sat on chairs to portray how little space people take compared to their cars. Finally, the drivers joined together for a representation of sitting together on a light rail vehicle.

Photos were taken and will be presented here on the website and...everywhere we can show them. Two television stations--KTBC (Fox 7) and KVUE (ABC Channel 24) did stories on the event, as did KLBJ Radio.

The street event shows just one reason why light rail is for everyone. And everyone had a great time getting to know each other. if you'd like to keep up with future events, be sure and register for the LRN Newsletter.


DART expansion wins in landslide

DART won voter approval for long-term financing of its light rail plans, which will allow for quicker expansion of its system to suburban communities.

Voters overwhelmingly supported the measure by 77 percent to 23 percent, a clear-cut indication of how popular light rail has become in Dallas. Read more in the Dallas Morning News article.




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