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Light Rail Now! can be contacted at:
Light Rail Now!
Support Our Underwriters!
Want to help inform the public about the benefits of light rail, rail transit, better mass transit, and more diverse mobility options? Become a Light Rail Now Project underwriter!
The Light Rail Now Project, engaging in public information and outreach to promote public transport, is sponsored by Texas Association for Public Transportation, a 501(c)(3) charitable educational organization.
Contributions may be tax-deductible. TAPT believes that presenting facts, reliable information, and well-supported
arguments is important to counteract the avalanche of misinformation and misconception about LRT and mass
transportation in general, and to enable planners, decisionmakers, and the public to make truly informed decisions.
The Light Rail Now Project team strongly appreciates the following underwriters whose generous contributions help fund the
ongoing maintenance and expansion of this website:
Action Committee for Transit
P.O. Box 7074
Silver Springs, Md, 20907-7074
Website: http://www.actfortransit.org/

Brookville Equipment Corp.
175 Evans St.
Brookville, Pa 15825
Website: http://www.bmec.com
Contact: Mr. Dalph S. McNeil – President
Office phone (814) 849-2000, (814) 849-2010
Cell phone (814) 590-2373
Email: dmcneil@BrookvilleEquipment.com
Fred M. Cain
4830S. 500W.
Topeka, iN 46571-9046
Phone 260.593-2767
Email: fredmcain@bringbackroute66.com
Citizens for Efficient Mass Transit
P.O. Box 35571
Charlotte, NC 28235-5571
Phone 704.847-3200
Website: http://users.adelphia.net/~bablum/cemt.htm
Contact: Bob Bischoff, Co-President, Treasurer
Email: cemt100@yahoo.com

Citizens for Modern Transit
911 Washington, Suite 200
St. Louis, Mo 63101
Phone (314)231-7272
Website: http://www.cmt-stl.org
Contact: Thomas R. Shrout, Jr.
Phone (314)231-7272
Email: tshrout@cmt-stl.org

Friends 4 Expo Transit
PO Box 64943
Los Angeles, Ca 90064
Website: http://www.friends4expo.org/
Email: mail@friends4expo.org
John Gear
Salem, Oregon
Jane Holtz Kay (Asphalt Nation)
Boston, Ma
Website: http://www.asphaltnation.com

LTK Engineering Services
One of America's oldest and largest rail transportation
consulting firms, with experience in all phases of project
development, from preliminary planning through revenue
operation, plus a reputation for on-time, on-budget projects,
and demanding quality standards.
100 West Butler Avenue
Ambler, Pa 19002
Contact: Dave Oglevee, Director–Business Development
Phone: 215.542-0700
Fax, Reception: 215.542-7676
Fax, Engineering: 215.654-9370
Email Dave Oglevee:

New Jersey Association of Railroad Passengers
P.O. Box 68
Chatham, N.J. 07928
(201) 963-8979
Website: http://www.nj-arp.org
Email: info@nj-arp.org
Contact: Douglas John Bowen, President
Phone: (201) 798-6137
Email: stonykill@verizon.net
People for Modern Transit
P.O. Box 14057
Seattle, WA 98114-0057
Contact: Richard Borkowski, President

ROUTE - Rethinking Our Urban Transportation Environment
1303 Bentwood
Austin, Tx 78722
(512) 454-9060
Contact: Roger Baker, Director
(512) 454-9060

Rochester Rail Transit Committee
P. O. Box 10696
Rochester, NY 14610
Phone 585.234-6096
Website: http://www.ggw.org/rrtc/index.html
Email: rrtc@ggw.org
John Schneider
Email: johnschneider@protransit.com
Cincinnati, Ohio
John Schumann
Portland, OR

Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group
P.O. Box 4581
Austin, Tx 78765-5392
Voice Messages...
Phone: (512) 891-5392
Texas Association for Public Transportation
9702 Swansons Ranch Road
Austin, TX 78748
Voice: (512) 282-1149
Fax: (512) 282-5621

The Transit Coalition
11948 West Washington Blvd., #201
Los Angeles, Ca 90066-4688
Phone (818) 367-1661
Contact: Bart Reed bart.reed@thetransitcoalition.us
Website: http://www.transitcoalition.org
Email: bart.reed@thetransitcoalition.us

Transit for Livable Communities
626 Selby Ave, Suite A
Saint Paul, Mn 55104
Phone (651) 767-0298
Fax (651) 221-9831
Website: http://www.tlcminnesota.org
Email: tlc@tlcminnesota.org

TranSystems' Passenger Rail and Transit sector provides planning, design, architecture, engineering, construction management and consulting to transit agencies across the country with expertise in bus systems, streetcars, light rail, commuter rail, intercity passenger rail, and multi-modal stations for communities of all sizes.
2400 Pershing Road
Suite 400
Kansas City, MO 64108
Contact: Harvey H. Stone, PE
Phone: 814.726-9870
Fax: 814.726-9855
Fax, Engineering: 215. 654. 9370
Mark Yznaga
2401 Briargrove
Austin, Texas 78704
Email: markyznaga@austin.rr.com
Become a Light Rail Now Project Underwriter!
Your underwriting support is critical to our ability to get out the facts and information, and carry out our other charitable educational and outreach activities, on behalf of light rail, rail transit, and public transport.
Underwriting is available for as little as $5 per month ($60 annually) for individuals, and $10 per month ($120 annually) for organizations, companies, and business entities.
And keep in mind – LRN is sponsored by Texas Association for Public Transportation, certified by the internal Revenue Service as a Section 501(c)(3) charitable educational organization, so your underwriting contribution may be tax-deductible.
Underwriters (unless they desire otherwise) are listed on the website, together with contact information, Email address, website (if any), and other important information.
Underwriters may be entitled to additional privileges, depending on the level of their underwriting investment.
it's easy! All it takes is sending your contribution, and the identifying information you wish to have listed on the website.
For information on our various underwriting levels, and how to make your underwriting contribution, contact us via internet at:
Or write or phone TAPT:
Texas Association for Public Transportation
Dave Dobbs, Executive Director
9702 Swansons Ranch Road
Austin, Texas 78748
(512) 282-1149