America's 2008 election
[Graphic: LRN file]
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With the USA having experienced one of the most crucial nationwide election cycles (2008) in its history, the Light Rail Now Project
provides a listing of articles on our website that address some of the most critical issues involved – including issues that many public transport advocates believe
any new administration in Washington should address.
- USA: Public transport investment pushed as key element of economic stimulus program
- USA: Quick Summary — Results of 10 Rail Ballot Initiatives in 2008 Election
- Resounding Endorsements for Rail Ballot Measures in Seattle, St. Louis, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Honolulu
- USA: Ten – Count 'Em – 10 Rail Ballot Initiatives Facing Voters on Nov. 4th
- Albuquerque: Yet another rail transit funding initiative on Nov. 4th ballot
- Youngstown, Ohio: Ballot measure would provide dedicated funding for public transit
- Kansas City: Chamber, tourism industry, leading paper all urge Yes vote on light rail
- USA Election: John McCain's persistent record of saying No to transit and rail passenger investment
- USA Election: Joe Biden, longtime rail passenger champion, seeks vice-presidency on Obama-Biden ticket
- USA Election: Barack Obama may get boost from strong pro-transit, pro-rail record
- Armada of Transit Initiatives Heads Toward USA's November 2008 Ballots
- USA: Obama says "Yes", McCain "No" to Amtrak Passenger Rail and Rail Safety bills
- As Washington Meanders Toward "Regime Change"...Here's Our Wish List for Rational US Public Transport Policies
- US Federal Railroad Administration takes aim ... at light rail
- State of Texas to Austin transit: Get lost
- Bush DOT's privatization & motorization scheme = "Been There, Done That"
- With Rail Leading, America's Transit Ridership Soars – But After Years of Underfunding, Agencies Plunge Into Crisis
- John McCain's long hostility to rail public transport may now be liability
- Nearly 3/4 of Surface Transport Terror Attacks Involve Personal Motor Vehicles – So US Security Officials Focus on ... Trains?
- USA: Federal Panel's Call for Motor Fuel Tax Hike to Fund Infrastructure Upgrade Stirs Transport Policy Debate
- USA's Bush administration proposes to raid transit funds for highways
- Stop FTA's Plan to Raid Federal Transit Funding for Roads!