Resources for rail transit planning and advocacy are listed here.
Light Rail Now can be contacted at:
Light Rail Now!
Rail Transit Planning & Advocacy Resources
Light Rail Now Project – Planning and Public Outreach Resources
TAPT's Light Rail Now Project can provide a wide array of professional services to assist in the development and improvement of of rail transit projects and operations.
LightRail_Now Discussion Group
A wide spectrum of issues relevant to light rail – transportation policy, new developments, technical issues,
operations, funding, finances – is on the table for discussion in the Light Rail_Now discussion group.
Light Rail Transit Association – Tramways & Urban Transit Magazine
information and campaigning resources focused on better public transport, trams, tramways, streetcars, and light rail transit systems.
Tramways & Urban Transit is the premier resource for light rail transit internationally, and we strongly recommend that planners and advocates subscribe to it!
Light Rail Central
"The North American Light Rail information Site" - a bountiful source of information on LRT in North America, including news, photos, definitions, systems list, terminology, vendors, maps, LRV specs.
Center for Transportation Excellence
A US non-partisan policy research center created to serve the needs of communities and transportation organizations nationwide. The purpose of the center and the CFTE website is to provide research materials, strategies and other forms of support on the benefits of public transportation.
Victoria Transport Policy institute
An independent research organization dedicated to developing innovative and practical solutions to transportation problems ...
Website presenting original fact-based, "in context" research and analysis of public transit operational, technical, and financial issues.
Public Transport and Rail Transit Graphic Resources
A listing of some sources of photographs, maps, and other graphic resources which may be particularly helpful in evaluating, planning for, and adequately informing the public about rail transit and public transport issues.

LTK Engineering Services
One of America's oldest and largest rail transportation consulting firms, with experience in all phases of project
development, from preliminary planning through revenue operation, plus a reputation for on-time, on-budget projects ...

Stone Consulting & Design, Inc.
Bringing knowledge, expertise, and enthusiasm to provide each client with
a complete and up-to-date source of information and technical assistance
in all aspects of railroad consulting, engineering, and planning ...