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Over 5 Million People Use America's Rail and Other "Guideway" Systems Daily
Light Rail Progress May 2003
US rail transit and other "fixed guideway" systems carry more than
11 million riders (rider-trips) each weekday. That's the conclusion
of a Light Rail Progress analysis of data from the National Transit
Database (NTDB) of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for
2001 – the latest complete year presently available.
As the table below indicates, average weekday ridership (unlinked
trips) for all US rail transit and fixed-guideway systems (monorails, automated peoplemovers, etc.) totalled 11,447,400 in 2001. (For
this tabulation, Jacksonville's automated monorail is counted as monorail, not automated guideway transit. Regional "commuter" rail is simply listed as regional rail.)
Weekday Ridership – US Fixed-Guideway Systems
Rail Rapid Transit |
Regional Rail |
Light Rail |
Monorail |
Automated Guideway |
Atlanta |
265,100 |
Baltimore |
48500 |
22,900 |
24,700 |
Boston |
445100 |
132,800 |
230,800 |
Buffalo |
22,600 |
Chicago |
604,600 |
267,300 |
Cleveland |
28,500 |
15,100 |
Detroit |
100 |
6,100 |
Ft. Lauderdale |
8,300 |
Jacksonville |
2,600 |
Los Angeles |
105,600 |
28,100 |
105,600 |
Memphis |
6,400 |
Miami |
46,300 |
16,200 |
New Orleans |
14,100 |
New Jersey |
220,400 |
25,500 |
New York |
5,946,100 |
599,600 |
Philadelphia |
329,500 |
108,500 |
84,100 |
Pittsburgh |
24,700 |
Portland |
77,400 |
Sacramento |
29,400 |
Saint Louis |
42,400 |
Salt Lake City |
21,000 |
San Diego |
84,500 |
San Francisco |
353,400 |
33,300 |
164,200 |
San Jose |
30,300 |
Washington |
808,200 |
9,800 |
Seattle |
1,900 |
5,800 |
8,980,900 |
1,432,900 |
1,002,900 |
8,400 |
22,300 |
The overwhelming bulk of this ridership – 99.7% – was carried on
standard, two-rail systems (with about 9% of it on light rail systems). Monorail systems carried less than 0.1%, while the
Detroit and Miami automated-guideway systems carried about 0.2%.
Since many of these rider-trips were round
trips, and some involved transfers, the American Public Transportation
Association estimates that actual, individual passengers (persons) constitute
approximately 45% of unlinked trips. By using this factor, it can be calculated that approximately 5.2 million individual people, on
average, actually rode US rail transit and fixed-guideway services on a typical weekday. That's a number of individuals
approximately equal to the entire population in a major metropolitan area such as Dallas-Ft. Worth, Detroit, or Boston.
And it should be noted that that's only the average number of
passengers for a single day. Local system surveys repeatedly
show that the total number of people who use public transit (and, presumably, rail systems where they are available) intermittently –
i.e., those who depend on these services to be there when they need them – is several times greater.
Rev. 2003/05/11