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Los Angeles: LRT Selected Over "BRT" for Exposition Corridor
By Light Rail Progress
In a dramatic breakthrough for light rail transit (LRT) in Los Angeles, on 28
June 2001 the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) board voted unanimously to proceed with light rail transit (LRT) in
LA's Exposition Blvd. corridor rather than with a "Bus Rapid Transit" (BRT) busway plan which many of LACMTA's top officials and planners had previously favored.
This is a major victory and the culmination of well over a year of hard work by
LRT supporters in West LA who not only applied reputable professional analysis to LACMTA's alternative proposals, but mobilized widespread
community support. The mythology of "BRT" evaporated in the face of intensive scrutiny of the busway proposal's cost, safety, capacity,
operational, and other assumptions. Through its perseverance and solid technical expertise, West LA's Friends 4 Expo group managed to bring about
a total reversal of the momentum originally behind the official "BRT" plan for Exposition.
Some background to this
situation has already been provided by the report "Los Angeles Times Says: Forget "BRT" – Go With Light Rail!".
As this article relates, soured by the high cost of subway (Red Line) construction, some LA officials have been dazzled by
the examples of "Bus Rapid Transit" ("BRT") in Curitiba, Brazil and then LA's own Rapid Bus version of "BRT" on Wilshire and Ventura Boulevards (a limited-stop
service, operating in mixed traffic with prioritized traffic signals, along with new lowfloor buses and mini-stations). As a result, a "BRT" busway has
been officially pushed (as a "rubber-tire surface subway") for both major corridors of Wilshire and Exposition Blvd. on LA's West Side. Exposition
runs west from downtown LA to Santa Monica on the coast.
While LACMTA officials have been trying to drag the public, kicking and
screaming, into their "BRT" idea, for more than a year, LRT supporters have
organized to advance their vision of LRT on Exposition ... In effect, an uphill
struggle in which residents of the area (organized as Friends 4 Expo) have
been trying to drag the officials, kicking and screaming, to commit to LRT.
The official "BRT" proposal for Exposition, pushed by the Los Angeles
County Metropolitan Transit Authority (LACMTA), was perceived as curiously skewed in its assumptions for a busway. One of its more bizarre aspects
included the assumption that 55-mph express buses, on a 2-lane paveway, at 1.5-minute headways, would provide "skip-stop" operation, thus passing local buses by running in the opposing lane – in many instances, at points
where visibility of the opposing lane was restricted. This rather catastrophe-prone scenario led some LRT supporters to dub the official proposal the "Execution Blvd. busway".
Fortunately, careful scrutiny of these safety issues, cost assumptions, and
other aspects appears to be leading to the restoration of prudence and sanity in LA. First came the endorsement of LRT for Exposition by the prestigious
'Los Angeles Times'. Then, on 18 June, a LACMTA staff report recommended LRT (as opposed to "BRT") on Exposition, supporting a first
section from downtown Los Angeles to Venice/Robertson. And, on 20 June, the Los Angeles City Council voted ten to zero to pass a resolution which
"...urges the MTA Board to support the implementation of a light rail line along Exposition Boulevard and ensure that any, and all, impacts to the
surrounding communities be properly mitigated ...."
The momentum for LRT at last
culminated on 28 June, when the LACMTA Board approved unanimously (10-0) the first section of an Exposition corridor
light rail line from downtown to Venice/Robertson, including the next steps of completion of its Final EIS/EIR, additional
neighborhood mitigation planning, and Preliminary Engineering. Now, finding available funding to speed up construction and complete the project all the way to Santa Monica is the next hurdle for LRT supporters.
While approving LRT on Exposition, the LACMTA also approved major bus
service improvements in the roughly parallel Wilshire Blvd. corridor – one of
the most intensive, high-volume single transit corridors in the world.
LACMTA already operates its famous Rapid Bus limited-stop service on the
Wilshire Blvd. – a Better Bus service (or so-called "BRT") operating in mixed
traffic with some traffic-signal prioritization and spiffy new waiting shelters
(stations). This service will be expanded and upgraded with the purchase of
additional buses, construction of new bus stops, and reconstruction of curbs
and lanes.
Whether a full busway will ever
be constructed in the Wilshire corridor is doubtful, and rail supporters say it would be a waste of resources, since
extension of the Red Line rail metro system in the Wilshire corridor is ultimately necessary to provide adequate transit
capacity. in the interim, supporters look for upgrades of the Rapid Bus service on Wilshire Blvd., perhaps with larger buses, to provide transit service until the
obstacles to Red Line extension can be overcome. in this scenario, LRT in the roughly parallel Exposition corridor could play a role, by attracting some
Wilshire corridor trips to the higher-quality, higher-capacity service offered by light rail.
Rev. 2001/07/20