is Light Rail?
Light Rail is electrically powered and runs on
tracks, either on railroad right-of-way or tracks in city streets.
Some people describe it as an updated version of the trolley cars,
which were used in most major cities from the turn of the century
to the 1950s. However, today's light rail vehicles (LRVs) are
faster, quieter, safer, more comfortable and can carry up to 420
passengers (including sitting and standing passengers on a three-car
train) in other words, it's a good idea made better.
video page for LRVs in action.
computer simulated photos of LRVs in Austin.
again, since LRV's are powered by electricity from wires above
and therefore, are extremely quiet and emit no harmful emissions.
usually run on their own separate guideways (lanes), so the vehicles
do not get caught up in congestion like automobiles or buses.

Light Rail Vehicle

Light Rail Vehicle
LRVs are fully accessible and mix well with auto, pedestrian and
bicycle traffic. (in fact, you can take your bike on a LRV).
Rail Systems can serve several different purposes, such as reducing
congestion, promoting a cleaner environment and spurring quality
economic development.
Facts about Light Rail
LRVs are not like freight trains or passenger trains. They run
on upgraded tracks that are quiet.
LRVs travel at speeds appropriate for where they are running.
For example, they will run up to 45 mph on long stretches of open
right of way, but will slow to slower speeds to match street traffic
or in pedestrian areas.

Light Rail Vehicle